Our Staff
Administrative Assistant
Patient Care Coordinator
Vision Therapist
Vision Therapist
Vision Therapist, North
Vision Therapist

Teri Stein
Vision Therapist, North

What is your role at the DVC?

Teri Stein.jpgMy role as a Vision Therapist is to provide patients with the skills to improve their ability with reading, writing and comprehension.

What's the best part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is working with the patients and watching as they become aware of the improvements they have gained!

Tell us a hidden talent, special skill, or unknown fact about yourself!

I am a certified SCUBA driver. My favorite dive was the West Wall in The Grand Cayman.

What's your favorite VT activity and why?

My favorite Vision Therapy activity is any activity where the patient makes a connection with the new skills they are learning - this sense of accomplishment can be reached with any activity! But if I had to choose, working with the Virtual Reality program may be my favorite activity. For many of our patients it seems this is their first experience with this technology. A combination of learning and fun at the same time!